Thursday, September 9, 2010

Our First Days at Home

Posted by KB

The first days home from the hospital are a total blur. I will say this: Sleep deprivation does some funny things to you. I could list many stories that would make one wonder where my brain has gone. Poor Todd would get up for each feeding (since I couldn’t jump out of bed), change Konor’s diaper and hand him to me to nurse. Try as he might to stay up he would inevitably fall asleep and end up saying extremely funny things in his sleep. Too funny. So we have learned to grab sleep when and where ever we can – as shown by Todd napping while holding Konor on the couch.

The green and white outfit was one of the few things (that was not pink) we could use of Kloe’s. Green looks good on Konor and this picture will always be special to me. I also use Kloe’s Boppy multiple times each day with Konor. My friend Stacey in Indianapolis bought it for me – a must have for a nursing Momma. Todd propped Konor up in one morning in his Silly Bug pjs – I had to get the picture.

We were all so grateful Aunt Stacy was here for Konor’s birth. It was so nice for me to pick her brain about all things baby. Big sisters are simply the best. She came to the hospital everyday to help me shower and brought Todd his egg sandwich for breakfast. Once we were home she brought Joey and Deanna to meet their new cousin. They were very sweet with him. She also brought his baseball jammies – we ran short on newborn clothes.


Kaitlin Shetler said...

Oh, I could look at him all day. How do you stand it?